Friday, March 30, 2012

The Story of Us- Chapter I

I sat at the computer in our dining room, scrolling through the website for the college I was currently attending, and reading and rereading the list of majors offered. “I don’t want to do any of this!” I exclaimed, feeling utterly defeated. I had recently decided against my initial major, and was now feeling totally lost. I’d taken a career assessment test after I decided to change majors, but the results seemed kind of vague, and I felt just as confused as I had been. My mother looked up from cooking supper, and said, “Then go somewhere else.” I left my seat at the computer, went to my room, and flung myself across my bed. I lay there wondering where to go from here. My childhood dreams had never included attending the college I was attending in the first place. I’d always thought I’d go to my Dad’s alma mater. I wound up at this small university, 25 miles from home, because it was close and it was safe. Several of my classmates were going there too, and I assured myself that after a couple years I’d still transfer to the college of my dreams.

Somewhere in the business of college life, I’d let the idea of transferring fade. Laying in the quiet of my familiar bedroom, staring up at the ceiling, my mother’s words rang in my ears and that lost dream became clear again. So, I sat myself back at the computer, and typed in the address for the school I’d always said I’d attend. Scrolling through the information, I wasn’t finding what I wanted to know. I found an email address and shot a quick email requesting more information. I hit send, and sat thinking maybe I should broaden my scope a little bit. I didn’t know why, but I found myself typing in the address for their rival school. Finding an email address there as well, I sent a similar email requesting more information. There. I’d taken a step. Now, it was time for supper.

Over the next few days, I still felt unsure of what to do. I had gotten a reply from the college of my dreams that told me I could find information on their website, which left me unsatisfied and discouraged. Then, I got a packet in the mail from the rival school. It contained a plethora of information on majors, applying, housing, and anything else I might want to know. Now, this was helpful. As I perused the list of majors offered, I stopped when I read the single word “Communication.” This was the same word that I’d gotten in response to my career assessment test. My interest was piqued.

To Be Continued...

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