Friday, April 6, 2012

Five For Friday

I’ve never done a blog link up before, but one of my new favorite blogs ( has been doing a High Five for Friday post the past few weeks and linking up with her sister. Since I kind of have a thing about lists lately, and I thought it could maybe, possibly be fun to think of some highlights from my week, I decided to join in the fun.

1. Getting out summer clothes and actually being able to fit into them for the first time since Dinah was born. It didn’t take me long to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, but it took awhile before I could get back into my clothes. So, I had no clothes. But, now I do. Yay!

2. Working on some last minute details for my sister’s (okay, technically Dean’s sister) baby shower this weekend.

3. A day to myself, which I used to give myself a pedicure instead of the cleaning that needed done. I love having my toenails painted, and it never happens anymore.

4. Mini-mini gardening with my hubby, outside in the warm, fresh air. I say min-mini, because we have a total of 3 plants. Go big or go home, that’s our motto.

5. Watching Dinah jump. It makes me chuckle every time. She starts by squatting way down, and ends by flapping her arms…her feet never leave the ground.

* My pics are all at the bottom and out of order because I'm doing my blogging through an app these days. Not ideal, but it works. And I threw in a random pic of Dinah because, well, I'm a mother and that's what I do.

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