Thursday, December 9, 2010


At long last, I have the time and resources to introduce the newest addition to our family:

Meet Dinah Clare.  
And, it only took me eleven weeks.  Since the start of my blogging hiatus, everything…and nothing, has changed.  In an instant, I went from a young married woman, to a mother.  It’s still kind of surreal sometimes, but really it wasn’t as much of an adjustment as I thought it might be.  It really did change in an instant.  I guess my instincts kicked in.  I’ve had a lot to learn and figure out over the past several weeks, but it has been a blast.  Who knew a baby who mostly eats and sleeps could be so much fun?  She’s getting older now, though, and even more fun.  I love that she has started smiling and cooing.  I love every second with her. 
For the duration of my pregnancy, I’ve kept up with two blogs.  Now that it’s over, I think it’s time for a consolidation.  My focus has changed a little over the last several months, so I’m directing the blog to reflect that. 
Take the journey with me…

1 comment:

  1. Congrats she is so adorable!! Glad you are back to blogging!!!
